Tuesday 24 April 2012

Technical Friends!

Remember that old fashioned method of communication - talking, yes I mean seeing somebody in person and actually speaking to them...  I'm a bit old fashioned I'm afraid, but tt's funny to think that in this day and age we have 'technical friends'. I'm referring, of course, to people we are friends with online, but perhaps are never fortunate enough to meet in person. As I see it the world operates on two levels, the real person and the one we only know as a profile name or facebook photo...  Can a 'technical friend' ever bridge the gap into reality do you think...? I'd like to think so, and recently the proof came to light that they can - hurray!
A lovely lady has offered to help me this week and we only met on twitter a few days ago. I'm always very pleased to find the private communication routes available on most media platforms. They offer the online friend the opportunity to speak more freely, and thank goodness for that, perhaps a 'technical friend' can walk the line into reality... what do you think?  I sincerely hope my theory proves accurate since there are so many people out there, and it seems a shame to confine ourselves to the laptop screen!
Jayne-Marie Barker

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