Friday, 25 May 2012

Captivating The Reader

Everybody knows that the first line of any new story needs to hook the reader in an instant. If you're writing a story, whether it's a short piece, a full scale novel or even a non-fiction book, the opening paragraph is key. If you can't win your reader over on page one than you've double the effort to keep them turning to page two and beyond!

The first page, paragraph... let's get down to reality, it's the very first sentance that really counts.  Think about your opening word carefully and choose well!  It's just my humble opinion but the first piece a reader absorbs from your work should captivate them into reading on, and on, and on...  you get the picture!

It's not as tricky as it sounds, just pay a little extra attention and you'll find yourself set off on the right foot.

Jayne-Marie Barker

Monday, 21 May 2012

Giveaway ' Beneath The Daisies'


Sunday, 20 May 2012

A fresh glance...

A quick note to bring your attention to this fabulous blogspot managed by Crystal Allen -
Take a look...

Jayne-Marie Barker

Friday, 11 May 2012

Reading Between The Lines

It's not an easy job to proof read a document... this I know from experience. It can be easier to spot errors in a document written by somebody else, or even when you look at a prined page as opposed to a PC screen.  Checking your own words, now, that's another matter entirely.

Top tips:
  1. Read and read again - the first read through will never bring up everything.
  2. Underline - unless you're following specific proofing instructions then underline the word, phrase, spelling and write the amendments in the margin. It's much clear to spot then trying to write tiny letters above the text.
  3. Use a real dictionary - sounds obviousl but it's necessary. A dictionary will show you the correct spelling in the correct context and, most importantly, has been put together by people as opposed to the computerised brain your computer dictionary uses!
  4. Put aside and return later - once you think you've finished, put it aside and re-read it later on. Give yourself at least half an hour and then re-read.  You may just spot something you overlooked before.
  5. Most importantly - learn to read between the lines. Read what is there, not what you think is there.
Good luck!
Jayne-Marie Barker

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Virtual Danger

With our entire lives online it's always a worry if your PC if affected by a 'virus'. As a person a virus can knock us sideways and the same can be said for the laptop, ipad, iphone, personal computer or whatever latest gadget has been invented in the last five minutes!  Whatever do you do when disaster strikes? IT experts are everywhere but they're also in high demand... next time it happens to you just take the time out and enjoy the world through fresh eyes; you know the moment your technical life is back up and running you'll be glued to the screen again!
Seriously though, it can be a nightmare. Passwords to access the various platforms and online accounts can easily be forgotten, profile names confused and website addresses mysteriously vanish. What is the answer; we're advised not to list our passwords anywhere for security sake, but what happens when they're so secure that even you cannot remember them!
I'm afraid I don't have the answer - if you do please do share! In the meantime we'll stumble along as before I imagine.